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非洲鼓, 非洲舞, African Drum, African Dance, Annual Dinner, 週年晚會, 舞台演出, Stage Performance, Event, Parade, 巡遊
非洲鼓, 非洲舞, African Drum, African Dance, Course, Workshop, 課程, 工作坊, 課外活動, ECA, 興趣班, CORPORATE TRAINING, TEAM BUILDING, 團隊訓練, 公司培訓
非洲鼓, 非洲舞, African Drum, African Dance , Event, Carnival, Annual Dinner, 活動, 嘉年華, 週年晚會, 員工培訓, TRAINING, TEAM BUILDING, 團隊訓練
非洲鼓, 非洲舞, African Drum, African Dance, 非洲樂器, 手作, 手工藝品, Music Instrument, Handicraft, Djembe, AKOMA

OULAMII SOOJ (OS) 在當地語言意思是 “ALL STARS”,喻意每位成員都富有才華。成立於1995年,加納特馬市(Tema)。

OS是現時亞洲區內唯一於加納官方文化機構 Centre for National Culture 註冊的非洲鼓樂舞蹈團,為賽馬會創意藝術中心 (JCCAC) 駐場藝團及於火炭藝術村設立工作室。



OULAMII SOOJ (OS) refers to “ALL STARS” in local language, was founded in 1995 in Tema, Ghana, West Africa. It is now the only West African drum & dance group in Hong Kong, Asian region which has officially registered in the Centre for National Culture, Ghana.

OS promotes the distinct culture of West Africa through series of performances and workshops relating to African music, dance and cultural experiences. 

The use of musical instruments and body parts, the powerful dances as well as the beautiful songs presents a special visual and sensational experience to the audiences. Every move expresses the unique cultural significance; it is more than simply an entertainment. We are to ensure that all the participants are fully absorbed into the African culture!


2010-12 賽馬會創意藝術中心 JCCAC

2011-19 伙炭藝術村 FOTANIAN


演出經驗 Performance:

2012,14-19 香港花卉展 Hong Kong Flower Show

2013-17, 19 新春花車巡遊 Chinese New Year Parade

2013 國際綜藝合家歡 International Arts Carnival

2014-18 香港世界宣明會 饑饉三十 World Vision Famine30hrs

2017-18 香港七人欖球賽 Hong Kong Sevens

"Music is the Soul Food"

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Oulamii Sooj African Drum and Dance Academy 非洲鼓樂舞蹈學院
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