AKOMA 源於加納Adinkra符號,意指愛與關心,是本地首個推廣非洲手工藝品的小店。我們本著「以人為本」的精神,關心手工藝創作,著重工匠及消費者之間溝通,相信每件手工藝品背後盛載了工匠的故事及人文信息。在消費過程中,消費者不單是物質上的消費,更可透過工藝品探索及關心工匠的故事。
AKOMA is one of the Adinkra symbols from Ghana which stands for Love and Care.
Being the first local brand to promote handicrafts from Africa, we believe that each piece of work carries the stories of the artisans.

AKOMA brings you handmade products from different parts of Africa including musical instruments, accessories, knits, baskets and so on. Each piece of work tells a story: The Chilean rainstick is the tribal instrument for rituals; the batik from Ghana celebrates the wildlife and nature; powder glass beads from Krobo continues to play an important role in its village traditions; the Zimbabwean women build a future for themselves and their family with lovely knits.
Come have a look of AKOMA products and listen to their stories!