Caxixi is a percussion instrument originated from Africa. It consists of a closed reed basket with a flat-bottom which is made of dried gourd or metal. It is filled with seeds or other small granules. By shaking it at different angles, variations of sound are produced. A softer sound is produced when the contents strike the reed basket, while a louder and shaper sound is produced when striking the hard bottom.
尺寸 Measurement: 高 (Height) 15cm, 闊 (Width) 7cm
產地 Origin: 加納 Ghana
* 樂器以天然物料,人手製造,每件尺寸略有不同
* 顏色隨機出貨,如指定顏色,請於下單前與我們聯絡
* All musical instruments are handmade from natural materials, variations in size are to be expected.* A random colour will be shipped, if wish to select colour, please contact us before order.
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