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As this instrument’s name said, it is played by plucking the tines with the thumbs. In the old days, the keys of Kalimba are made of bamboo instead of metal. After amendment, the sound of Kalimba becomes brighter and sharper. Adding a recycled tin can beneath this Kalimba, we can hear an even louder resonant.


尺寸 Measurement : 闊 (Width) 6 cm, 長 (Length) 10 cm, 高 (Tall) 5 cm

產地 Origin: 肯亞 Kenya


* 樂器以天然物料, 人手製造,每件尺寸略有不同
* Musical instrument are handmade from natural materials, variations in size are to be expected.

環保姆指鋼琴 Recycled Kalimba Can

庫存單位: MI_KA_CAN
HK$210.00 一般價格
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