加納國家文化中心 Centre for National Culture, Ghana

隨著時代變化,音樂仍然是傳承文化習俗的重要技藝,加納官方文化機構 Centre for National Culture 特別著重保留此傳統樂器之餘,更鼓勵樂曲創作,在首都阿克拉(Accra)設立大型文化場所,將樂器製作、手工藝、教學等相關活動全都集中在一起,方便藝術創作的發生。樂手亦不再單純擔當族群內的樂師,更成為一個專門職業,從事演出及教學等工作。
Music is important for African culture. In Ghana, the government setup a venue in the capital Accra, where gathers all kinds of work like music workshop, handicraft making, teaching, performance, etc. Here preserves the traditional culture and also encourages the music and dance groups to create their new pieces.
Music player is highly respected and recognized as a professional in the country.