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西非符號 Symbols of West Africa: Adinkra


而其中一個非洲加納的古代皇朝 Ashanti 創造了稱為 Adinkra 的符號,每個符號都有自己的名字和象徵意義,普遍作為溝通媒介,並用於傳遞歷史故事、人生哲學、諺語、品德、囑咐、宗教教義等,對文化傳播影響甚深。

同時,每當有特別場合例如喜慶、婚宴、豐收、葬禮時,部族領袖都會穿戴著的Adinkra飾物或服裝。時至今日,Adinkra 已常見應用到日常生活中,如郵票、鈔票、公司標誌、木製品雕刻、飾物、樂器,甚至傢俬製品上,可見這個符號別具意義。

【放學ICU - 小小地球村】關於「加納符號Adinkra」片段 :

Adinkra are visual symbols developed by the Ashanti Empire (late 17th to 20th century) to represent objects that encapsulate evocative messages that convey traditional wisdom, aspects of life or the environment.

In the past, Adinkra were hand printed on fabric for royalty and spiritual leaders to wear for funerals and other very special occasions. the symbols are also carved on stools for domestic and ritual use.

Today, they are worn by anyone, stylishly wrapped around women or men on any special occasion. Tourism has led to new departures in the use of the symbols in such items as T-shirts and jewelry.

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