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烏干達紙珠 Uganda Paper Beads



尋求工作無望,開始製作珠寶以為持生計,原材料就是他們唯一擁有的紙張。基庫油(Kikuyu) 族人以舊報紙捲成珠子,製成首飾幫補生計。報紙珠由刀把舊報紙剪成三角形再捲起,用天然樹膠貼合,最後塗上防水用的指甲油,這樣便製成了輕巧又耐看的紙珠飾品。


The beads that are produced are actually made of paper!

Each day, as stubbornly high unemployment plagues Uganda, many struggle to find any kind of work. This is nowhere more true than in the northern part of the country where two decades of war have left almost no infrastructure intact.

In an effort to survive when no other work could be found, People of the Kiyuyu tribe began making jewellery out of the only thing they had access to: paper. They are now able to support themselves through the revenue these crafts bring, even as they learn how to take their new skill and turn it into a business, helping their neighboring families in the process.

Revenue gained from the sale of these products supports this family as they work, learn, grow and share.

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