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非裔美國人歷史文化博物館 National Museum of African American History and Culture

位於美國華盛頓特區的非裔美國人歷史文化博物館於2016年9月24日落成啟用。這一所國家博物館全面地記錄和展示了非裔美國人的生活、歷史和文化。博物館內有 37,000件有關於非裔美國人的社區,家庭,視覺藝術,表演藝術,宗教,人權,奴隸制和種族隔離的館藏。這些文物圍繞黑人由奴隸走向自由這樣一條主線,記錄着非裔美國人為爭取平權所進行的抗爭,展現了他們對美國所作出的貢獻。

Located in Washington D.C. in America, the National Museum of African American History and Culture opened on the 24th of June in 2016. This is the first American national museum which thoroughly tracked and presented the living, history and culture of African American. There are 37,000 collections of exhibits related to the community, family, visual and performing art, religion, civil right, slavery and segregation of African American. These exhibits visually projected the pace of the black from slavery to freedom in America, tangibly tracked how African Americans diligently fought for the right to be treated with fair and respect and showed the priceless dedication that African American made to their home country – America.


The following pictures are some of the exhibits:

非裔美國人爭取平等的銅像。 Statues of African American fighting for equalization.


Statues of African American fighting for equalization.

飛機的型號為PT-13D Stearman Kaydet,它又被稱為“Tuskegee精神”。 從1944年到1946年,在Moton Field,它被用來訓練非洲裔美國空軍。在二戰期間,這項阿拉巴馬州的設施是唯一一項非裔美國人的飛行訓練設施。  The PT-13D Stearman Kaydet, shown above and known as the 'Spirit of Tuskegee', was used to train African American airmen from 1944 to 1946 at Moton Field, the Alabama facility that served as the only primary flight-training site for African Americans in the Army Air Forces during WWII.

飛機的型號為PT-13D Stearman Kaydet,它又被稱為“Tuskegee精神”。 從1944年到1946年,在Moton Field,它被用來訓練非洲裔美國空軍。在二戰期間,這項阿拉巴馬州的設施是唯一一項非裔美國人的飛行訓練設施。

The PT-13D Stearman Kaydet, shown above and known as the 'Spirit of Tuskegee', was used to train African American airmen from 1944 to 1946 at Moton Field, the Alabama facility that served as the only primary flight-training site for African Americans in the Army Air Forces during WWII.

相片左至右為索杰娜·特鲁斯(美國福音傳教士和改革家,原為一名黑奴)、哈利特·塔布曼(美國廢奴主義者,原為一名黑奴)和弗雷德里克·道格拉斯(廢除黑人奴隸制度與社會改革的領袖,原為一名黑奴)。  From left to right in the photo: Sojourner Truth (1797 –1883), Harriet Tubman (1822 – 1913) and Frederick Douglass (1818 – 1895)


From left to right in the photo: Sojourner Truth (1797 –1883), Harriet Tubman (1822 – 1913) and Frederick Douglass (1818 – 1895)

跟據美國人口調查局的數據,2016年美國境內有約7450萬名非裔美國人,佔美國人口17.9個巴仙,是美國第二大群的少數族裔。(最大群:德裔美國人)在博物館開幕時,前美國總統奧巴馬致詞時引用了已故非裔美國作家詹姆斯·亞瑟·鮑德溫(James Arthur Baldwin)的文字:不論我們如何受苦,如何喜樂,如何無法得到新的榮耀,我們的故事定必要被聽見。(原文:”For while the tale of how we suffer, and how we are delighted, and how we may triumph is never new, it always must be heard.”)這提醒了人們歷史的重要性,而且不論這些故事是光明的,還是黑暗的,我們都有義務把它承傳下來。

According to the data of United States Census bureau, there are around 74.5 million African American citizens in the U.S., with a proportion of 17.9% of the entire population. It is the second largest group of ethnic minority in America. (the largest: German American) In the opening ceremony of the museum, former U.S. president Obama quoted from James Arthur Baldwin (African American composer), ”For while the tale of how we suffer, and how we are delighted, and how we may triumph is never new, it always must be heard” . This reminds people the value of history and that we are obligated to pass on the old tales, either bright or dark.


Official website of National Museum of African American History and Culture:

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