雨聲棒 Rainstick (智利, Chile)

雨聲棒是AKOMA 少數非洲地區以外的傳統樂器。源自南美洲智利,雨聲棒是傳統部落用來祭天求雨時所用的一種法器。它是由曬乾了的仙人掌莖所做成,中間部份空心,內有一些細粒狀物質,如植物種子、砂石等。當填充物在管內流動時,會發出「沙沙」的聲響,好像雨點落地的聲音。管身內有橫置的仙人掌刺作分隔物,可營造更有層次和更長久的雨聲。
Despite its non-African origin, we love the Rainstick for the sound of nature it creates.
Originate from Chile, South America, rainsticks are used by tribes to pray for rain. They are made of cacti with the removal of spine. The hollow cactus is filled with granules, such as seeds and sands. While the granules are flowing inside the cactus, a sound which is similar to the pattering of the rain is created. Thorns are pressed inside the cactus to create more sustained and layered music.